Hello and welcome to CAshman_eq's Tournament's page.
Where you can start earning yourself FREE Arcade Flutters at some of the most amazing Arcades in the United Kingdom, an example of which is...
All you need to do is ensure you are setup in the Tournaments, login to your account on each CAshman_eq's Community Slots and then play away...
On this page, I am going to cover everything you could ever need to know to get involved with our tournaments...
Let's start by looking at the apps you can play
Starting with this bad boy.
CAshman_eq's Reel World App
This app is an absolute must for anyone who wishes to participate in the tournaments. From here you can
- Leave / Join Tournaments
- Find Out What Tournaments Are Currently Running
- View Leaderboard and Own Progress
- View Complete Catalogue of Available Apps
- Receive Important Notifications
- Contact CAshman_eq
The app is available from the Google Play Store, and really is the first step to getting you up and running in the tournaments. I really cannot stress this highly enough. I will go into more detail about using it later on but for now I would recommend installing it and logging in (creating an app account along the way if you do not yet have one.)
Next we are doing to look at the apps you can play
Community Slots That Add To Tournament Scores

(Any Gaps above are for slots that are yet to be added to the NEW Tournament Platform)
The Latest line up of slots can be viewed by clicking the...

CAshman_eq App slots button
...button in the Reel World app. Here you have every slot and direct links to anything you could wish to know about them.
Now we know what you can play...
How do you get involved?
If you are already playing any of the above apps, you are already doing the hard bit. But before you play another spin more, let's get you enrolled in the tournament. To do this you will need the Reel World App mentioned above, have a quick watch of the below video for details...
Enrollment Statuses : What do they mean
NOT LOGGED IN : To participate in the tournaments you must ONE CAshman_eq account. You MUST be logged in to this same ONE account on each of the CAshman_eq Community apps. In this case click LOGIN and Create/Login to your account. You will now see one of the below statuses.
NOT YET ENROLLED : This status means you have not yet requested to join the tournaments. All you need to do it press ENROL at which point the app will take your username and add it to the tournaments. You will then most likely see the below message
VALIDATION REQUIRED (MAKE CONTACT NOW) : This status means you have requested to join the tournaments. Which will grant you access to the leader boards etc. But you will notice you do not currently appear on the leader board. To actually appear on the leader board, we need some form of communication outside of the app from you. This is purely so we can let you know if you have qualified for or won anything. You will not be spammed or asked to take part in anything that you do not wish to. The means of Communication currently available are Email. You can contact us at cashmaneq.reelisticslots@gmail.com to provide you details. From this all we need it your email, so we can reply to you.
You can also join our dedicated Facebook group. This is the preferred option as there is so much more to us that the apps and the tournaments, in here you will get to see how you do on the apps as well as see all this other goodness. Again, you will not be dragged into anything you do not wish to be involved in.
Facebook Group
ACCOUNT ACTIVE : You are good to go! Play the CAshman_eq Community Apps. A full list of which is available in the Reel World App. Every time you get a win on the app it adds to your score, moving you up the leader board. Play as little or as much as you desire. We have giveaways tailored to give everyone a chance at winning a FREE Arcade Flutter.
How do you stay involved?
Now that you are enrolled how do you know what is happening? How do you know how well you are doing? Here I will quickly detail a couple of useful tools to help you out.
Below I will detail each long with what you can expect to find in each location
Facebook Group
Here you will find anything and everything you could ever want to know about the tournaments. This is briefly mentioned in the above video but can also be accessed from here.
Here you can expect to find...
- Latest Campaign & Tournament details
- Live show's
- Start dates, end dates, prizes, winners
- New Slot details
- Tournament chat
- Links to everything CAshman
- Contact Us
Reel World App
This app is a must-have for all tournament players.
Within the app, you will find the following...
- Join / Leave Tournaments
- Link To Facebook Group
- Current Tournament details
- Current Live Leaderboard
- Complete Catalogue of CAshman_eq slots
- Useful Links
- Contact Us
- Notifications
Current Campaign & Tournament Information
Current Campaign and Tournament information can be found LIVE in the Reel World App. Or by visiting our dedicated Facebook group...